I chose health care because this topic is very important to me. One of my family members was very sick once, and couldn’t go to the doctor’s office because they couldn’t pay for the hospital bill. That is the first time health care became important to me. On a larger scale, people die in America sometimes only because they do not have healthcare. Elsewhere this would not be true. Honestly, I think that taxes should be raised a little bit so the government can pay for health care for all citizens of the U.S. I also think more money should be focused on healthcare because two much money is spent on other things that could go towards health care. My satirical argument is saying that healthcare should be based on how much money you have, and if you don’t have enough money you should have to do crazy things like hold up a Blue Cross/Blue Shield place, so you can get medical care. The type of person who would read my article would be a person who believes everyone should have healthcare paid by the government. I chose an article format simply because I wanted to make fun of people who say you should be able to get better healthcare then someone else because you have money to pay for it. I have seen articles saying that the public option is evil because it is a socialist ideology. I satirized the issue by showing that people don’t look at statistics when they say they don’t want the public option. I feel as if they ignore the statistisics simply because they don’t want to have anything to do with socialism, and I think that’s foolish, as I showed in my article.

I used Onomatopoeia by saying Roar about the American healthcare system. I used an understatement when I said America’s health care is better than every third world countries, when really the survey said that America is last in terms of healthcare in industrialized countries. Lastly, I used a hyperbole, when Jane Rowley said she hadn’t had healthcare since Joe Biden was five years old.

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